Авторы: Вербицкая М.В., Редли П., Гаярделли М.
Издательство: Просвещение/Вентана-Граф
Тип: Учебник
Авторы: Вербицкая М.В., Редли П., Гаярделли М.
Издательство: Просвещение/Вентана-Граф
Тип: Учебник
Use the words from the vocabulary box to help you.
Individual project.
Prepare a number of short texts from guidebooks or tourist information websites and a list of questions about the places described.
Use page 54 as an example.
Don’t forget about the key — the list of answers to the questions.
Bring your project to the class and exchange it with your friend.
Can you answer your friend’s questions?