Авторы: Вербицкая М.В., Редли П., Гаярделли М.
Издательство: Просвещение/Вентана-Граф
Тип: Учебник
Авторы: Вербицкая М.В., Редли П., Гаярделли М.
Издательство: Просвещение/Вентана-Граф
Тип: Учебник
Write out the expressions describing their characters.
Can you think of any historical figures with similar qualities?
What do you think the best translation of the Russian name Иван Грозный is?
Compare the statements in pairs.
Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.
Make a poster about another famous historical figure explaining his/her name.
Why is Prince Yuri called “Dolgoruky”?
Who is Ivan Kalita?